What is Dharma? Dharma is not banging your head on the wall
At Wisdom 2.0 in 2018, I spoke about Dharma.
Future-Proofing Bhutan: SIY Emotional Intelligence Training in Schools
Searching Inside Yourself in Bhutan.
“With SIY, I re-discovered the precious treasuries of our culture”
I was very moved by this Facebook post I saw yesterday.
Search Inside Yourself in Bhutan
The amazing crew at SIYLI is working towards training all 10,000 school teachers in Bhutan on Search Inside Yourself. I'm tremendously proud of the team and all our friends at the Ministry of...
Inc: This Study Says You Shouldn’t Let Your Employees Meditate. It’s Totally Wrong–Here’s Why
A great article by Richie Davidson and Arianna Huffington.
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