Gavin Newsom Searches Inside Himself

by | Mar 7, 2013 | Mengstupiditis

I had a lot of fun eating lunch today with the Lt. Governor of California, Gavin Newsom.  He is charismatic, intelligent, energetic, witty, and had great stories to tell.  When I had dinner with President Jimmy Carter and lunch with the Dalai Lama, my dominant experience in both cases was awe, lots of it.  But Gavin is different.  When eating with him, my dominant experience was fun, lots of it.

Anyway, I gave Gavin an autographed copy of Search Inside Yourself.  He quipped, “I didn’t get the Dalai Lama to endorse my book!”

(Thanks to my friend Eric Zuckerman for the photo.  Also, see Gavin’s new book, Citizenville.)