The Uganda Buddhist Center (UBC) was founded and helmed by the Most Venerable Bhante Buddharakkhita, Uganda’s first Buddhist monk. We are very lucky to have him. He is a true African monk, born and bred in Africa (ie, not an Asian or Western import into Africa), and hails from a proper Buddhist lineage under an internationally renowned teacher, Bhante Gunaratana.
Here is a story on Bhante Buddharakkhita in the Guardian.

I previously helped Bhante to build the first Buddhist school in Uganda. He’s the real deal.
The Uganda Buddhist Center is raising US$ 308,767 to purchase 2 acres for the future expansion of the Buddhist High School and UBC activities. A generous donor has offered to match 1:1 for all donations (!!) up to US$ 150K, and up to 30 May 2023 (deadline set by the seller). Yes, I’ve already donated. I like to encourage all of you to do so as well. For more details, click here.