Joy On Demand Longlisted for the 800-CEO-READ Awards!

by | Nov 2, 2016 | Meng in the Media, Mengstupiditis

Yay! Joy On Demand has made the longlist for the 2016 800-CEO-Read Awards, in the Personal Development and Human Behavior category!

About 800-CEO-READ

800-CEO-READ has been in the business of business books since 1984. They are experts at celebrating the history of and identifying current trends in business literature, helping authors navigate book sales and the speaking circuit, customizing books for a specific audience or client, and moving physical books around the country and around the world on a specific deadline. 800-CEO-READ offers a wealth of knowledge and experience in a constantly changing and sometimes chaotic industry. They also literally wrote the book on the 100 Best Business Books of All Time.