Making peace can be easier than making love

by | Nov 6, 2010 | Mengstupiditis

The organizers of the World Peace Festival have bestowed much honor upon me.  They invited me to become a Founding Patron and named me a World Peace Ambassador.

A few months ago, they further honored me by inviting me to write the introduction for their booklet, Tools for Peace, alongside Archbishop Desmond Tutu.  I started the first draft of my introduction with:

Sometimes, making peace can be easier than making love.  You can make peace in a house of worship, you can do it with many people at once, and you can tell your wild peace-making adventures to the Dalai Lama without feeling too awkward.

In the final copy, they wisely decided to edit that out.  Lucky for you.

Anyway, the booklet is available to you for free.  Get it at: