My speaking / teaching engagements in Singapore in July

by | Mengstupiditis

I try very hard to turn down all speaking requests this summer so that I can have more time for my meditative practice (eg, I’m doing 2-3 hours of daily sitting meditation at my home temple). Here are the engagements I could not turn down.  Please feel free to come by.

6 – 7 July: I’m speaking at the 8th Global Buddhist Conference.  President Nathan will be speaking there too.  (link)

13 July: I’m teaching a full-day meditation workshop (10am to 4pm) on Joy.  Hosted by the Buddhist Youth Network at the Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre.  (Registration link).

21 July: I’m teaching a full-day meditation workshop (10am to 5pm) on Joy. Basically the same workshop as the one on 13 July, but hosted instead by Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery at its Dharma Hall.  (Registration link).

30 July: I’ll be speaking in Nanyang Technological University’s Eminent Speakers Series.

Update (2013/07/06): Added registration links.

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