No more [email protected] etc

by | Dec 11, 2010 | Mengstupiditis

My [email protected] address, an email address I’ve been using since 1995, no longer works.  This is because my long-time web host, Datarealm, decided to pull the plug on the domain.  My new email address is [email protected].  Some of my friends have been calling me 欢喜菩萨 (“huan xi pu sa”, meaning the jolly bodhisattva), so I thought “jollybodhi” seems kind of appropriate in a fun way.

This change also impacts my Buddhism website, which used to be at, but is now at  I honestly have no idea what to do with the website now.  When I started it in 1995, it was one of very few websites on Buddhism in the world and a key pioneer of Dharma on the web.  It was, at its time, the only website in the world presenting Buddhism in a highly personal and practical way with a generous touch of humor, which I think made Dharma a little more accessible to all.

And then life sort of happened to me, I moved to America to become one of those stereotypical overworked immigrant dotcom engineers, became a parent and, on the way, got distracted by other ways to serve the world, such as writing a book, creating Search Inside Yourself and co-founding Stanford CCARE and all.  During that time, the website got seriously neglected.

Today, the website is just one of very many Buddhism sites on the web, once a prominent global pioneer, now just some forgotten old guy sitting alone at the corner of a nursing home reading the New York Times on a rocking chair.

The question is, what do I do with it?  What is its next calling in life?  I have no idea.  If you do, let me know.