Shelling oysters no more, thanks to you

by | May 12, 2012 | Mengstupiditis

I tell my friends that if my book doesn’t sell, I want to learn to become very good at shelling oysters.  See, if I can’t be a best-selling author, then I should at least be a best-shelling author.

Well, my friends, thanks to you, I no longer have to learn to shell oysters.  That is because Search Inside Yourself just made it onto the New York Times best-sellers list (#11 on “Hardcover advice and misc”)!

Thanks to Colin, Stephanie, Gideon and the team at HarperOne, Danny, Jon, dear friends who wrote the endorsements, the SIY team, and everybody else who helped make the book happen (sorry the list is too long to itemize).  I could never have done it without your kindness and generosity.  You continue to touch me with your goodness.  Thank you.

Just as importantly, my friends, I could never have done it if not for the warm support of readers like you.  Thank you.

All my profits from this book benefit the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI) and other causes promoting greater good in the world.  All support comes entirely from viewers like you.  Thank you.