This calmness is our natural birthright
In his first sermon after his enlightenment, the Buddha identified the cause of suffering as tanha, which literally means "thirst" but is often inadequately translated as "craving" **. ...

Search Inside Yourself in 13 Languages and Counting
As of January 2014, Search Inside Yourself is published in English and 12 other languages. Here is the entire set, including the 5 English-language editions (the US hardcover edition, 2 UK editions...

Meeting Stan Lee
I love going on cruises. You visit exotic places, you get to eat like a pig, and occasionally, you run into one of your heroes. I was on a holiday cruise in December 2013. On day 10 of the 15 days...

Search Inside Yourself is a best book two years in a row
Last year (2012), Search Inside Yourself was named by San Francisco Magazine as one of the Best Bay Area Books of 2012 (link). This year (2013), Search Inside Yourself was named by Bloomberg as one...

Search Inside Yourself is #1 in Taiwan
I have just been informed that the Traditional Chinese edition of Search Inside Yourself was the #1 bestseller in Taiwan! (It was #1 back in August, but I just found out today.) I am really...